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De Religión a Relación con Dios

Hoy hablamos con Pastora Wanda Gómez sobre la importancia de la religión en movimientos sociales y las limitaciones de algunas iglesias que operan desde el odio en vez del amor.

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Juneteenth is Everything

Black rights activist Nubian Roberts talks to our own Cristiano Basden about the importance of Juneteenth and why it’s important that we have our first Juneteenth ever celebrated as a holiday.

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La Florida Se Levanta

En este episodio hablamos sobre la visión del futuro desde la perspectiva de Andrea Mercado, la directora ejecutiva de Florida Rising, y conversamos de cómo su pasado influyó su activismo y carrera.

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Two Caribbean Girls

Bahamian native, Marjorie Bostwick, speaks about her experience coming from the Caribbean to the United States and how opportunities shapes the livelihoods of people from different backgrounds.

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Your New World Starts Here

In the podcast premier episode of ‘Every Block Rising’, Ysa and Teresa from Florida Rising talk about the importance of reimagining new worlds, their lives and upbringing and welcome you to this digital space where we can all dream and build together.

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Bienvenidas y Bienvenidos a Every Block Rising

Bienvenidas y bienvenidos a Every Block Rising. Estamos super contentas de tenerte aquí!
Este es un espacio donde podemos ser curiosas y curiosos acerca del mundo, de estar juntas y buscar soluciones para lo que está pasando a nuestro alrededor con la esperanza de crear nuevas formar de ser para nuestra y las futuras generaciones. Visita nuestro sitio web para más información: https://floridarising.org

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Welcome to Every Block Rising!

Welcome to Every Block Rising. We are so glad to have you here!
This is a space where we can ask questions about the world, hold each other, and come up with solutions to what’s happening around us in hopes to create new ways of being for our, and future generations. Find out more at https://floridarising.org

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