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We Have To Retire Him

In today’s episode we talk with student activist Rodney Wells about the state of our democracy, the governors’ lack of care toward our people. If

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Justicia en Cada Barrio

En el capitulo de hoy conversamos con Ivanna Gonzalez sobre nuestra campaña, Justicia en Cada Barrio. Les invitamos a mirar nuestra plataforma y sumarse a crear un mundo mejor junto a nosotrxs!

Para mas información, vaya a floridarising.org

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Hurricane Ian Response, Climate Change, and Beyond

In today’s episode we speak to MacKenzie Marcelin about Florida’s response to Hurricane Ian, our climate change crisis and what we can do to leave a healthy planet to our children. Here are the resources mentioned in this episode:

  1. ianresponse.org
  2. An online repository where we keep resources for our communities and update information daily: https://floridaimmigrant.zendesk.com/hc/en-us FLIC hotline info :1(888)600576
  3. Hurricane Ian Just Recovery Demands Sign-on:https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc-4JhfHPiTgYWNdrfDYS26nmHz6BjVMUm1FLQu-UXhY-JjRA/viewform
  4. Map Hub of Locations: https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/viewer?ll=27.22673760201802%2C-81.34030784999999&z=8&mid=17UtzROJSW4SYaM35GLPg61LkVU7ZTxo

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Youth Power Rising

Today we talk to Jacksonville student activist Deyona Burton about her journey through student activism, political engagement, and the power youth holds to make change in our community. For more information about our organization, please visit https://floridarising.org

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Aire Limpio En El Doral

En el episodio de hoy hablamos con Gina Romero acerca de los incineradores en Doral y el rol que jugarán las elecciones en Noviembre para la saluds de nuestras familias, vecinas y vecinos.

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