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Redistricting is the way we change the districts that determine who (i.e. Congress, state legislatures, city councils, county commissions, school boards, etc.) represents us. For many states, this means redrawing congressional and state legislative district lines every ten years following the census. 
To ensure each Floridians’ vote has the same weight, legislators are required to draw districts that include as close to the same number of people as possible. That means districts with communities that have gotten significantly larger or smaller will need to be redrawn. 
In the past, politicians have used congressional redistricting to draw maps that aid their political ambitions by grouping neighborhoods and people they believe will support their political agendas. But we’ve already witnessed the harmful effects of dividing our communities along color lines. It’s up to our community to come together to prevent this from happening by demanding fairly drawn congressional maps for equal representation, regardless of your zip code, race, or background.

What's At Stake?

Florida Rising believes that no matter who you are, voters should pick their leaders, not the other way around. The practice of drawing districts to favor one political party or racial group skews election results, hurts communities of color, and thwarts the will of the voters. It leads many people to feel their voices don’t matter. We promote solutions to ensure fair redistricting and fight for an accurate and equitable redistricting process that gives each of our votes equal weight, each of our voices equal stature, and each of our communities equal access to the decision-making processes.

The districts we draw this year will shape our lives and communities for the next decade

When we draw the maps, our communities don’t get carved up by power-hungry politicians with only their own political interests in mind.


When we draw the maps, we influence the federal and state resources that funnel back to our communities—money for hospitals, schools, and transportation.


When we draw the maps, we influence the federal and state resources that funnel back to our communities—money for hospitals, schools, and transportation.

Understanding Redistricting

This will educate you as a Floridian on how you can get involved in the Florida Redistricting process on a state level.

Learn about redistricting in florida

We are educating the public about the importance of a fair redistricting process. Download this presentation for more information.

Developing your story of self

How has redistricting impacted your community? This exercise may be able to help you figure it out.

Visit our fair districts portal

This submission portal will allow members, partners, and leaders to be engaged in the redistricting process by mapping out your communities and telling your stories.